

Moledina M, Awadghanem A, Agrawal A, Geh V, Anterior Segment Ischaemia following

modified Nishida Procedure JAAPOS 2023 Feb;27(1):57-60


Wong C, Agrawal A, GehV, Covid-19: Patients should self -isolate for two weeks before

elective care, trusts are told BMJ 2020;369:m


Bouraoui A, Roberts L, Landells A, Law, E, Geh V, Shrivastava A, Brog F, Orthoptic Led

eye screening co-located within the paediatric rheumatology cinic for safer management

f children with JIA Rheumatology 2020 April (59)


Kaur, S, Chaudry T, Geh V, Sukhija. Muscle Transplantation for Large Angle Horizontal

Strabismus JPOS 2020 Aug 57(6)


J Khan, S Maqsood, S Bhermi, VGeh, Rapid onset servere injury after exposure to a

button battery JAAPOS 2014 Dec 18(1)600-601


Patel CK, Fung TH, Muqit MM, Marden  DJ, GehV, Non-contract ultra-widefield retinal

maging and fundus fluorecein angiography of an infant with incontinentia pigment

without sedation in an ophthalmic office setting, JPOS, 2013 Jun, 17(3):309-11


S Coults,Geh,  Tissue glue and iatrogenic eyelig gluing in children, Peadiatric

Emergency Care 2012 Aug 28(8) 810-11 


J Geh, VSY Geh, B Jemec, A Liasis, JI Harper, KK Nischal, D Dunaway

Surgical Treatment of Periocular Haemangiomas: A single unit experience.

Plastic Reconstr Surg 2007,April15;119(5):1533-62


Arashvand K, V Geh

A case of orbital injury mimicking traumatic Brown’s Syndrome

Ophthalmology Times Europe Sept 2006:44-45


Morris S, Geh V, Nischal KK, Sahi S, Ahmed MA

Topical dorzolamide and metabolic acidosis in a neonate.

Br J Ophthalmol. 2003;87(8):1052-3.


Geh VSY, Chopdar A, O'Sullivan F.

 Acute Retinal Necrosis presenting with uveitis and secondary angle closure glaucoma.

CME Journal-Ophthalmology 2000;4(2):51-52.


Geh VSY, Kumar V, Gillispie IH

Late Onset Glaucoma in association with Facial Angioma.

Eye 1999;13(3A):370-372.


Geh VSY,Bradbury JA

Ocular Myasthenia presenting in an 11 month old child.

Eye 1998;12(2):319-20.



An audit of the 1995 College guidelines for screening for retinopathy of prematurity. (letter)

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Minerva: Picture Case Report.

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Geh VSY, Dabbs TR, Ansari E

Perflurodecalin and Silicone oil used to achieve retinal tamponade left in an eye for 6 months

Br J Ophthalmol 1996;81(3):252-3.

National and Internatinal

Posters and Presentations


Acute Aquired Concomittent Esotropia in Older children During Covid 19 lockdown A
S Rickett, A Awadghanem V Geh Poster Presentation BIPOSA Bristol Oct 2022
Top Tips for converting to Small Incision Fornix Based Squint Surgery A Agrawal, A
Awadghanem V Geh Poster Presentation BIPOSA Bristol Oct 2022   
Anterior Segment Ischaemia following Modified Nischida ProcedureM Moledina, A
Awadghanem, A Agrawal, V Geh Poster PresentationBIPOSA Bristol Oct 2022
Enlarged Corneal Nerve: A potentially lifesaving finding; D Gousia, A Agrawal, V Geh
Poster presentation WSPOS virtual Congress 26/9/20   
6th Nerve palsy following facial rejuvenation with Botox: A Agrawal , V Geh Poster
Presentation WSPOS virtual Congress 26/9/20 
Tips for converting to small incision sutureless fornix based squint surgery for paeidatric
patients A Agrawal , V Geh Presentation WSPOS virtual congress 26/9/20
Comparison of outcomes between plication and resection for horizontal strabismus
C Wong, V Geh, A Agrawal Poster Presentation WSPOS virtual congres 
Comparisons of resections vesus plications for paedicatric horizontal strabismus surgery,
C Wong, V Geh, Cambridge Dec 2019 (Marie Comer Award presentation 1st price)  
Combined Rheumatology and Orthoptic Led screening Clinics for Juvenile Idiopathic
(JLA), L Roberts, E Law, V Geh, F Borg, BIPOSA, Edinburgh, Oct 2019

To Tuck or Cut, That is the question, K Naderi, V Geh BIPOSA, Edinburgh Oct 2019

Tips for converting to small incision sutureless fornix based squint surgery in phaediatric
Patients, D Gousia, V Geh, ESA, Helsinki, June 2019   
A comparative study: Sutures versus Cautery for conjunctival wound closure in fornix
strabismus surgery,  D Gousia, V Geh, ESA, Helsinki, June 2019
A rare case of primary scleral cyst (poster presentation) D Gousia, M Rahman, R
Aggrawal, V Geh, Eurocornea, Vienna Sept 2018  
Tips for converting to small incision suterless fornix
Based squint surgery (poster presentation) D. Gouisa,  V Geh BIPOSA
Manchester Oct 2018
Small incision sutureless strabismus surgery in paediatric patients
(Presentation) F. Allen, A. Agrawal,  V Geh, BIPOSA Manchester Oct 2018   
Small incision sutureless strabismus surgery in paediatric patients

(poster presentation) F. Allen, A Agrawal,  V Geh RCOphth Congress, Liverpool May
Orbital Myositis-A masquerade

(poster presentation) S Marpuri, A Agrawal,  V Geh

World Paediatric Ophthalmology Congress, Hyderabad, India, Dec 2017   
Unusual cases of Aquired 3rd Nerve palsy in children

(poster presentation) A Agrawal, I Roberta, V Geh

World Paediatric Ophthalmology Congress, Hyderabad, Dec 2017   
A review of guidelines for Ophthalmology Screening of children with congenital deafness

(poster presentation) A Hamrush, V Geh

Royal College of Ophthalmologist Annual Congress, Liverpool, May 2015 
Do all children with sensneural deafness need to be screened by an ophthalmologist?

(poster presentation)  Mr Hamrush Ahmed, Mr. V Geh

Presented at Essex Orthoptic Meeting, Southend April 2015

BIPOSA Birmingham Sept 2014

Presented at Royal Society of Medicine, London July 2014
Rapid onset of ocular injury after exposure to button battery

(poster presentation)  Mr Hamrush Ahmed, Mr. V Geh

Presented at Essex Orthoptic Meeting, Southend April 2015

BIPOSA Birmingham Sept 2014

Presented at Royal Society of Medicine, London July 2014
Rapid onset of ocular injury after exposure to button battery

(poster presentation) J Khan, S Masqood, SBhermi, V Geh 

Presented at Royal College  of Ophthalmologist Annual Congress, Birmingham May
A Report on adult strabismus presenting for treatment. Why the delay? Dr R

Cuyugan, Mr Vernon Geh Presented at BIPOSA Leeds October 2013
A report on adult Strabismus presenting for treatment, Why the delay?

(Poster presentation) Dr R. Cuyugan, Mr V Geh, Royal Society of London, June 2013. 
Late onset esotropia-back to basics, Mr D. Pharoah,Mr VSY Geh, BIPOSA
Bournemouth, 2012. 
 Audit: Outcome of cateract operations requiring anterior vitrectomy at Southend

Hospital, S.Coutts, V Geh, (Poster presentation), Royal College of Ophthalmologists

Annual Congress, Liverpool, May 2012. .
Intravitreal ranibizumbab for choroidal neovascularisation in early-onset Best's vitelliform
Macular dystrophy, DBS Pharoah, N. Karia, ,

V Geh,(Poster Presentation) Royal Collage of Ophthalmologists Annual Congress,
Liverpool, May 2012
Ophthalmology in the UK, V Geh, Penang Medical Collage, Penang, Malaysia,

April 2011.   
S Coutts, V Geh, The Outcome of Cataract Surgery Requiring Anterior Vitrectomy

at Southend Hospital, Cambridge, April 2010

(Marie Comer award presentation -1st prize) .  D Vayalambrone, V Geh, Oh no!
Not that time of year again; Recurrent 3rd nerve

palsy in a childBritish Isles Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus

Association (BIPOSA) Liverpool, Oct 2010.   
R Sandu, N Karia, V Geh, Ranibizumad For treatment of peripapillary choroidal

neovascular membrane associated with optic disc nerve head drusen in a child.

Poster presentation, World Paediatric Ophthalmology Congress, Barcelona Sept 2009,
Poster presentationat American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Congress,
San Francisco, Oct 2009.  
S Thyagarajan, V Geh, Outcome of Strabismus Surgery to the fixing eye,Poster

presentation,World Paediatric Ophthalmology Congress, Barcelona, Sept 2009.  
J Cheng, T Ellie, V Geh, The use of pre-treatment deviation  as an outcome

predictor for Botulinum Toxin A injections in Symptomatic decompensated

heterophoria. (SDH)

Poster Presentation, Ophthalmology World Congress, Hong Kong June 2008

Poster Presentation, XV11 Congress Latin American Strabismus Society,
Argentina Oct 2008. 
Traumatic Oblique Overaction: Diagnosis Dilemmas andmanagement
OA Anderson, V Geh BIPOSA, Sheffield Oct 2008
The Pre-treatment deviation predicts outcome of BTXA injections in symptomatic,

decompensated hetrophoria

J Cheng, E Tsesmetzoglou, V Geh, BIPOSA, Sheffield Oct 2008.
O Anderson, V Geh, The Trauma of Double Vision

4th Essex Orthoptic Conference, Southend May 2008
P. Tsangaris, V Geh Management of Thyroid Eye Disease

4th Essex Orthoptic Conference, Southend May 2008
A review of Ptosis Surgery at Great Ormond Street Hospital

J Geh, VSY Geh, KK Nischal, D Dunaway

Presented at Winter Meeting British Association of Plastic Surgery, London, Dec 2005.  
Geh VSY, Dawson E, Lee JPL, The Surgical indications and Outcome of Superior

Oblique Tendon Spacers. European Strabismological Association Meeting

(ESRM), Bergen June 2003.   
Dawson E, Geh VSY, Lee JPL, Does Botulinum Toxin have a role in the Treatment

of Small Angle Esotropia? Poster presented at AAPOS, Hawaii, USA, March

2003, presented at ERSM June 2003.
Jemac B, Dunaway D, Nischal KK, Mowatt D, Geh VSY et al. Surgical

Management of Periorbital Haemangiomas. British Association of Plastic Surgery,

Winter Meeting, London, Nov 2002.
Geh VSY, Quantitation of aqueous levels of ascorbate and its relationship to

cataract density, South West Thames Alumni Meeting, March 2000.  
Dhar-Munshi, S, Geh VSY, Chopdar A, Anterior Ischaemic Optic Neuropathy in

Young Adults, Poster presented at Royal Society of Medicine, London, June 1999.
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